Welcome to Lancaster Recumbent. Have a Seat!

Recumbent cycles – or “bents” as their converts call them – offer a laid-back alternative to the conventional upright bike. With bents, the rider is in a laid-back riding position with his or her weight more evenly distributed over a fully supportive, reclining seat. As the only stocking recumbent bike shop within 90 miles of Lancaster, Lancaster Recumbent offers a complete range of models and styles, a wide selection of accessories, complete maintenance service as well as specialty builds for special needs. We’re a family owned business and cycle bike shop, so we’re as laid back as our bikes. As recumbent riders ourselves, we understand your needs – from custom fitting your bike to training you how to ride, or simply providing expert service and support. When it comes to an alternative bike shop, you won’t find a better fit than Lancaster Recumbent.

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A Unique Mobility Solution for Wheelchair Users
Why Recumbent Cycles
Learn the Advantages of Riding "Bent"
Recumbent Cycles
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Don't Take Our Word For It

"My wife and I went into the store and were amazed at how helpful the folks were. They allowed us to test drive so many different styles just to make sure we got exactly what we wanted. This was the only recumbent store we could find that actually had the bikes in stock and available to test drive. I recommend this store to everyone I talk to."
-Gregory, Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania