Welcome to Lancaster Recumbent. Have a Seat!
Recumbent cycles – or “bents” as their converts call them – offer a laid-back alternative to the conventional upright bike. With bents, the rider is in a laid-back riding position with his or her weight more evenly distributed over a fully supportive, reclining seat. As the only stocking recumbent bike shop within 90 miles of Lancaster, Lancaster Recumbent offers a complete range of models and styles, a wide selection of accessories, complete maintenance service as well as specialty builds for special needs. We’re a family owned business and cycle bike shop, so we’re as laid back as our bikes. As recumbent riders ourselves, we understand your needs – from custom fitting your bike to training you how to ride, or simply providing expert service and support. When it comes to an alternative bike shop, you won’t find a better fit than Lancaster Recumbent.